Houston’s Charity Guild Shop celebrates 100 years with an army of volunteers
The group began in 1922, with 59 women each charged with donating $1 and sewing layettes to distribute to children in need.
Read all about the Charity Guild of Catholic Women and its impact on the greater Houston area
The group began in 1922, with 59 women each charged with donating $1 and sewing layettes to distribute to children in need.
On February 4, the Charity Guild of Catholic Women awarded $586,000 to 47 non-profit organizations to help children in need in the Greater Houston Area.
HOUSTON – Community partners and volunteers spread joy to more than 270 children and their families at San José Clinic’s 80th Annual Patient Christmas party on Saturday, December 8th. This special Christmas celebration is the highlight of the holidays for many of our patient’s children, complete with gifts and a visit with Santa.
On August 10, 2018, San José Clinic collaborated with many community partners to ensure nearly 200 underserved children can begin the 2018-19 academic year with the school supplies necessary for success that they may otherwise have gone without.
The forerunner of the Charity Guild of Catholic Women began in 1922 when a group Catholic women gathered over lunch to discuss the problem of the growing number of needy children of Houston.
As summer comes to a close, take the time to do a little simplifying and reducing. Getting rid of extra stuff is not as hard as it seems — in fact, there are plenty of places that would love to have it and will give you money for it!